Boulder Trap is a small, independent game studio consisting of a few old timers who grew up with games now old enough to be your granddaddy. We appreciate challenging and immersive gameplay that come from all types of arcade-, management- and role playing games.

Traverse your battle hardened truck on an intense mission off-world, to conquer the invading forces behest on stealing your valuable resources.

FREE ON STEAMPlay now for free on Steam

WHO ARE WE?Mighty warriors gather to share
their stories around the fire.


Race: Humanoid Canidae

Class: Rogue

Programming, Design, Distribution, Music

→ follow @foxinni


Race: Engi

Class: Engineer

Conceptual Design, Programming, Art

→ follow @userotti


Race: Elven

Class: Grand Meister

Conceptual Design, Quality Assurance

→ follow @hannes_solo

Our Philosophy

The Boulder Trap team relishes on the mysteries of computer programming, graphics and game design, which together represents near a perfect blend of technology and art. In time we want players to enjoy our games as much as we liked creating them.

Also, It would be a mistake not to acknowledge the immense effort it takes to create a polished game, and so, want to homage to all those games we've played since the 1990's! We will continue to draw inspiration from these cult classics, which opened up portals to otherly worlds, when creating our games.